Compositing Reel 2018 – Reelbreakdown
Jan Patrick Meyer – Compositing Reel 2018 – Reelbreakdown
00:05 – 00:09 | Game Of Thrones | comp | digital setextension: mattep. integration (cliff) |
00:09 – 00:19 | Game Of Thrones | comp | digital setextension: mattep. & cg integration (cliff); sky replacement; post camera move; post frame extension (fg rock, wall); cg integration (gate, castle); comp birds integration |
00:19 – 00:21 | ARK: Aberration | comp-pre | keying (plate actor) |
00:21 – 00:22 | Game Of Thrones | comp | digital double: keying & paintout fixes (plate actor, wire); cg character integration (face, arm, inner body) |
00:22 – 00:24 | Game Of Thrones | comp | digital double: keying & paintout fixes (plate actor); cg character integration (face, arm, inner body) |
00:24 – 00:26 | ARK: Aberration | comp-pre | keying (plate actor) |
00:26 – 00:28 | Pettersson & Findus 2 | comp | digital setextension: keying; paintout; mattep. integration; painted additional detail on mattep.; grading; not responsible for cg icehole in lake |
00:28 – 00:30 | SIREN | comp | digital double: paintout & plate prep.; cg character body & harpoon integration; elaborated a comp glitter setup for cg character; reconstructed one full frame cause plate frame was wrong |
00:30 – 00:31 | SIREN | comp | digital double: paintout & plate prep. fixes; cg character body integration; elaborated a comp glitter setup for cg character; added muzzle flash; added smoke and debris elements |
00:31 – 00:33 | Game Of Thrones | comp | digital double: keying; paintout & plate prep.; cg character integration (face, arm, inner body, cloth); cg chain integration; added smoke elements |
00:33 – 00:38 | Vowärts Immer! | comp | paintout camera rig in windows; rotos |
00:38 – 00:40 | ARK: Aberration | comp-pre | keying (plate actor); edgetreatment on temp bg |
00:40 – 00:48 | Game Of Thrones | comp-pre | keying; plate prep.; edgetreatment on temp bg |
00:48 – 00:49 | ARK: Aberration | comp-pre | keying (plate actor); edgetreatment on temp bg |
00:49 – 00:50 | Game Of Thrones | comp | digital double: keying; roto; paintout & plate prep.; cg character integration (face, arm, inner body, cloth); cg sword extension; added smoke & debris elements |
00:50 – 00:52 | Game Of Thrones | comp | digital setextension: paintout & plate prep; cg integration (cliff, gate, castle); comp birds integration; added post cam move; added post sky movement |
00:52 – 00:54 | Game Of Thrones | comp | comp full cg shot; also added debris, smoke and snow elements in comp |
00:55 – 00:57 | ARK: Aberration | comp-pre | keying (plate actor) |
00:57 – 01:00 | Game Of Thrones | comp-pre | keying; plate prep.; edgetreatment on temp bg |
01:00 – 01:08 | Game Of Thrones | comp | digital setextension: cg & mattep. integration (cliff, castle) |
* Please note that I was not responsible for camera tracking in all of those shots.